Vibrant Health with Erin
Offering Craniosacral Therapy and Massage CAMTC #55289


  • Within a day or so after my session with Erin my knee pain had completely disappeared! I can even go up and down stairs without pain! It's been years since I could do that. Erin is a very sensitive, caring therapist that I would highly recommend to anyone with chronic pain.-Gloria F, CA


  • I have been getting Cranial Sacral therapy done for 25 years until my CST retired. I found it challenging to find a CST that was skilled as the person I had gone to for many years UNTIL I met Erin!!! Wow what a blessing to meet her and work with her. My first session with Erin was incredible. Erin was professional, very knowledgeable, a great listener, and a lovely human being. never write reviews but felt anyone in need of relief from any aches & pains or to relieve tension, Erin is the one for you!! Cranial Sacral even significantly helped after a concussion I just had. I can’t recommend ENOUGH all of the wonderful benefits of Cranial Sacral. Book an appointment now with Erin. SHE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! You will be so happy you did!! -Lisa E, CA


  • I started seeing Erin after a accident and I was having problems with my neck. She gave me such relief, I felt better and could think better. Erin will incorporate cranial therapy while also massaging all of you. She can really read what work my body needs. I've also have had 2 foot surgeries. She helped me with this also. I felt so much better with her help. After all the time of not walking correctly my body seemed so out of sync. Erin has helped me with that also. I definitely recommend Erin. -Teresa F, CA


  • Erin is a massage therapist AND does cranial sacral. I have used her services many times and each time I feel lighter and less constricted. Energy shifts always happen. She’s my favorite healer and I am so grateful for her talents! - Vickie M, CA


  • Repeat customer over several years. Erin has the innate ability to customize treatment for my unique and evolving issues. Craniotherapy to address symptoms from neurological issues and skin-rolling for shoulder impingement - the relief is unbelievable which is why I call Erin first when I have pain or issues. Treatments are designed to resolve my issues quickly, without need for extended maintenance. I love that Erin helps me to self-treat. She teaches me techniques I can do myself to speed recovery. -Terry G, CA 
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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